Who is behind

The Safe Delivery App has been developed in a partnership between University of Copenhagen, University of Southern Denmark and Maternity Foundation. The App is produced by Visikon.

Maternity Foundation is an international development organization that aims to reduce maternal and newborn mortality in low and middle-income countries by implementing sustainable health programs and developing innovative mobile health solutions. The organization was established in 2005 and is headquartered in Denmark. Maternity Foundation has positioned itself as a strong actor within the emerging field of mHealth

The mHealth Competency Center, located at Maternity Foundation's headquarters in Copenhagen, is responsible for the overall program management and for coordinating the development, test, launch and roll-out of the Safe Delivery App across countries.

Anna Cecilia Frellsen

CEO afre@maternity.dk

Ann-Marie Christiansen

Head of Clinical Team annmarie@maternity.dk

Aditya Bhandari

Senior Program Officer, India aditya@maternity.dk

Cathy Hertz

Head of Business Development cathy@maternity.dk

Franka Cadée

Director of Global Development franka@maternity.dk

Hilde Cortier

Programme Director hilde@maternity.dk

Helle Hönig

Chief Operating Officer helle.honig@maternity.dk

Sonali Das

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Manager sonali@maternity.dk

Christian Sand Horup

Business Development Manager christian@maternity.dk

Kuldeep Kumar

Finance and Admin Manager kuldeep@maternity.dk

Hiwot Kassahun

Logistic, Finance and Admin Officer hiwikas@maternity.dk

Tanya Saluja

Programme Clinical Officer tanya@maternity.dk

Athina Chalkidou

Programme Support Coordinator athina@maternity.dk
Dr. Stine Lund from University of Copenhagen and Dr. Bjarke Lund Sørensen from University of Southern Denmark have been the primary drivers for framing, designing and validating the clinical content of the Safe Delivery App and for designing the research set-up in the randomized controlled trial in Ethiopia in 2014. Going forward they are also responsible for developing and validating the App's clinical content together with Maternity Foundation.

Dr. Stine Lund

MD, PhD, University of Copenhagen

Dr. Bjarke Lund Sørensen


Visikon exists in the intersection between creative audio-visual communication, technology, clinical health care, professional knowledge and scientific research. Visikon’s production of the Safe Delivery App includes working closely with the App’s clinical experts to translate the complicated clinical guidelines into easy-to-understand animated films.

The Safe Delivery App was developed by Copenhagen University, University of Southern Denmark and Maternity Foundation in collaboration with a group of clinical and technical health experts representing the following organizations and institutions to whom we are grateful: Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO), NYU Wagner, Averting Maternal Death and Disability (AMDD) Columbia University, NY, USA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and International Health, African Union, University of Northern Carolina, Médecins Sans Frontières, Ministry of Health Zanzibar, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust, World Health Organisation (WHO), University of Ghana, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark and Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.