Safe Delivery+
The Safe Delivery+ programme is a comprehensive universe aimed at addressing healthcare challenges in resource-constrained areas. Its primary objective is to enhance the quality of care provided around childbirth, with a focus on providing instant access to evidence-based clinical guidelines, descriptions of practices for routine and emergency
care as well as to competency-based learning and training for healthcare professionals everywhere.
Central to the programme is the Safe Delivery App; a free, evidence-based job aid, learning and training tool designed to support midwives, nurses, and healthcare professionals in assisting births and managing the most common complications.
Through the Safe Delivery+ Programme, we can reach even the most remote healthcare professionals and continuously enhance their knowledge and skills and ultimately the quality of care that they provide for the communities they serve.
455,000+ reached
The map shows countries where we have in-country partnerships or a substantial number of users.
The boundaries and names shown on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Maternity Foundation concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area.