
Drug List Hypertension [Presentation]

Purpose: To learn about the usage, dosage, precautions/side-effects and contra-indications of drugs used in connection with hypertension

  • 15-30 minutes
  • Safe Delivery App, pen and paper
  • Hypertension drug list

Divide the participants into 4 groups, and give each group 10-15 minutes to make a short presentation on two of the drugs used for hypertension:

  1. Calcium Gluconate and Dexamethasone
  2. Hydralazine and Labetalol
  3. Lidocaine and Magnesium Sulphate
  4. Methyldopa and Nifedipine

Ask the participants to explain indications and usage of the drug, dosage and administration, precautions/contraindications and adverse reactions. Also, ask them to explain exactly when they would give the drug.