Maternal Sepsis

Maternal Sepsis [Case and Presentation]

Purpose: To be able to identify causes of maternal sepsis

  • 15-30 minutes
  • Safe Delivery App
  • Video subchapters “How to Diagnose and Definitions”, “How to Manage”

Divide participants into four groups. Two groups work with case 1 and the other two groups work with case 2. The two groups that work with the same case compare their results. Both groups present the results to the rest of the participants.

Case 1:
Aadya has given birth to her first baby three days ago. She presents at the health facility with a temperature of 39.3 °C, a systolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg, and a respiratory rate of 23. Her breasts are tender, red and swollen. What do you suspect and how do you manage?

Case 2:
Aisha has given birth three days ago to her second child. She presents at the health facility with a raised temperature of 39.6°C, systolic blood pressure of 91 mmHg, and a respiratory rate of 24. At abdominal palpation it is tender and there is lower abdominal pain. She has foul-smelling vaginal discharge. What do you suspect and how do you manage?